Build your own Magento 2.4.6 store in just a few minutes

From now on, you don't have to wait for months to start working with your Magento-based store. Click the "Install Magento Store" button now and embark on a journey with the world's most professional e-commerce system. Our installer will allow you to install your own instance of Magento 2.4.6 on our servers in just 5 minutes. What's more, we offer you a free 3-month trial of our hosting services and technical support. After this period, you have the option to migrate your store to our dedicated servers or your own hosting. Start your e-commerce adventure now and unleash the full potential of Magento in a simple and convenient way. Click the "Install Magento Store" button and get started right away!


A woman who creates her own Magento 2 store within minutes.A woman who creates her own Magento 2 store within minutes.

Experiencing issues with your Magento store? Reach out to us via email or phone, and rest assured, we will prioritize resolving your problem.


Access code for Magento storeAccess code for Magento store

Generate access code


Exclusively with us, you can install your Magento store without the need to create an account on our platform. Simply click on "Install Magento Store", and an access code will be generated for you, granting full access to your Magento store. It's crucial to save this code in a secure location, as losing it will result in the loss of access to your store, necessitating a fresh start. Once the code is generated, please wait for 10 minutes while the Magento store is being installed and configured.

Keep your access credentials confidential and secureKeep your access credentials confidential and secure

Secure your access data


After the installation is completed, the access data for your Magento store instance will be displayed on the page. We ensure secure access to your store through an encrypted SSL connection and the HTTPS protocol. You will have access to the store's database using PHPMyAdmin and the Magento store files through SSH/SFTP. Now you can log in to your Magento store and start working with it.

Start working with your a new Magento storeStart working with your a new Magento store

Begin your work


Now you can access your Magento store and see how it looks. Currently, it's just a template with a few products that you will need to remove. To do this, use the URL for the Magento store administration panel, log in with the provided system credentials, and start making changes to the store. You can start by adding new products. In the menu, you will find the "Catalog" tab, and within it, the "Products" section. Click on "Add New Product" and a form will appear for you to fill out. After saving, the product should appear on the store's page.

A woman starting to work with her Magento storeA woman starting to work with her Magento store

Start your adventure with the world's most renowned e-commerce system now

Did you know that the biggest players in the e-commerce market often choose Magento software? A multitude of templates, modules, and virtually limitless scalability are just a few of its advantages. Now, in just a few moments, you can become the owner of such a platform, develop it without limitations, and experience firsthand the advantages that Magento has over other similar e-commerce systems.


100 points in Pagespeed tests100 points in Pagespeed tests

Template that achieves nearly 100 points in Google Pagespeed tests 

Breeze Evolution is an advanced template for the Magento 2 platform, offering a modern design and rich features. With its responsiveness and attractive page layouts, the Breeze Evolution template ensures excellent shopping experiences across various devices, contributing to increased conversions and sales. Additionally, the customization options and flexibility of the Breeze Evolution template allow for adapting the store's appearance to individual needs and preferences, helping to build a consistent brand image.

Polska lokalizacjaPolska lokalizacja

Terms of Sale for the Domestic Market in Magento

Magento localization offers customization of the platform to fit the specifics of your e-commerce market, resulting in easy business operations in your country. It provides support for the local language and currency, facilitating communication with customers and conducting transactions. Additionally, this localization takes into account specific laws and regulations in your country, aiding compliance with local legal and commercial requirements. technical technical support

Extremely prompt technical support, our typical response time is within one hour upon receiving your email

Our fast technical support enables quick diagnosis and resolution of technical issues for Magento stores installed on our servers. This minimizes downtime for e-commerce systems, resulting in reduced financial losses for our clients. It can also contribute to the swift recovery of stores after outages, minimizing disruptions and inconveniences for your customers.

We encourage you to explore our Magento store demo version, which allows you to visualize how your new store can look like.

Why is the Breeze Evolution template perfect for your new Magento store?


  • Modern and Responsive Design: Breeze provides a fresh, aesthetic, and modern look for your online store. The template is fully responsive, meaning that your store will look and function great on various devices such as computers, tablets, and mobile phones. This allows you to deliver excellent shopping experiences to your customers regardless of the device they use to browse your store.
  • Increased Conversion and Sales: Breeze is designed to optimize conversion rates and boost sales. The template offers intuitive navigation, attractive page layouts, clear user interface elements, and prominent call-to-action buttons, helping guide customers towards completing their orders and improving sales effectiveness.
  • Customizability and Flexibility: Breeze allows you to customize your store according to your needs and preferences. You can easily personalize page layouts, colors, fonts, and other visual elements to perfectly match your brand. Additionally, the template offers a range of configuration options that allow you to tailor the behavior and functionality of your store to meet your specific requirements.
  • Speed and Performance: Breeze is optimized for performance, resulting in fast page loading times and smooth store operation. Speed is crucial for both user experience and search engine rankings. The Breeze template helps ensure fast and responsive performance for your store, which can contribute to increased customer satisfaction and improved search engine visibility.
  • Support and Updates: The Breeze template is created and maintained by experienced developers who provide regular updates, bug fixes, and technical support. This ensures that your store remains up-to-date with the latest Magento 2 standards and features, giving you peace of mind and ongoing support for your online business.

People who configure their own Magento storePeople who configure their own Magento store

Installation of additional extensions in Magento stores

Magento modules provide additional functionality and features to enhance your Magento store. They offer numerous benefits, including:

  • Expanded Functionality: Modules enable you to add advanced features like product management, customer segmentation, social media integration, and advanced search capabilities.
  • Customization Options: Modules allow you to customize the appearance, layout, and behavior of your store to align with your brand and create a unique user experience.
  • Improved Performance: Performance-optimized modules ensure faster page load times, efficient database management, and overall site speed improvement.
  • Integration Capabilities: Modules facilitate seamless integration with third-party services such as payment gateways, shipping providers, CRM systems, and email marketing tools.
  • Enhanced Security: Security-focused modules add robust measures to protect sensitive data, prevent unauthorized access, and provide a secure shopping environment.
  • Scalability and Growth: Modules support the scalability and growth of your online business by accommodating new functionalities and handling increased traffic.

Therefore, if you wish to add any module to your Magento store hosted on our servers, you can either do it yourself using the SSH console or contact our technical support for assistance.




What if you're looking for a store in a different language to use it in a different market?

here's no problem using the Magento store generated during the installation for such purposes. Simply add names and descriptions for categories and products in a language other than English, and install the required modules specific to the target market. Then, change the store's language in the Magento configuration, as well as in the administrator account settings, and that's it. Everything is ready!

A woman learning foreign languagesA woman learning foreign languages


The speed of a Magento 2 storeThe speed of a Magento 2 store

Speed and Security


Magento provides unmatched flexibility and scalability. This e-commerce platform is built to serve the needs of small online stores as well as large enterprises with extensive operations. Whether you're starting a small store with a limited product range or expanding an existing e-commerce business, Magento offers customization options to meet your requirements. You have the freedom to personalize the appearance, functionality, and processes of your store to align perfectly with your brand and business strategy. Moreover, Magento stores are known for their high performance, enabling them to handle heavy traffic and a large number of transactions, ensuring seamless operation even during peak periods.

The functionality of a Magento storeThe functionality of a Magento store


Enhanced Functionality


Magento provides a wide range of customization possibilities and a robust feature set. As an open-source platform, Magento grants you complete autonomy over your store, empowering you to customize it according to your unique requirements. You have the flexibility to create personalized page layouts, incorporate new modules and extensions, and integrate external tools and systems like inventory management and payment gateways. Moreover, Magento stores come equipped with an array of advanced functionalities, including customer segmentation, promotional capabilities, comprehensive product cataloging, multi-language and multi-currency support, and much more. These features enable you to efficiently manage your store and deliver an outstanding shopping experience to your customers.

Technical support for Magento 2 storesTechnical support for Magento 2 stores


Technical Assistance


Magento is backed by a thriving community and robust support system. With a wide array of experts, developers, and agencies specializing in Magento, you can readily access technical assistance, receive valuable advice, and resolve any potential issues. Additionally, the Magento community actively contributes to the platform's ongoing development, providing regular updates, security patches, and innovative features to keep users equipped with the latest advancements and solutions.


Free test hostingFree test hosting

Free test hosting


  • Free hosting duration is 3 months
  • Option to extend the free period up to 12 months
  • Store domain provided by hosting
  • Shared resources
  • Server farm load monitoring
  • Daily backups
VPS hostingVPS hosting

Virtual Private Server (VPS):
starting at €200/month *


  • Customer-provided store domain
  • Intel Xeon E5 4 x 3,7GHz processor
  • 16 GB RAM memory
  • 100 GB SSD drive
  • 250 Mbps bandwidth, unlimited transfer
  • Backups up to 30 days back
Dedicated server hostingDedicated server hosting

Dedicated Server: 
starting at €400/month *


  • Customer-provided store domain
  • Intel Xeon lub AMD Ryzen processor
  • 64 GB RAM DDR4 memory
  • 2 x 500 GB SSD NVME drives
  • 1Gbps bandwidth, unlimited transfer
  • Backups up to 30 days back

* Individual pricing available, contact us for more details


  • The service and Magento stores created within the service are maintained and hosted on the servers of the company Usługi Informatyczne - Konrad Kraszy, ul. Siemieńskiego 22/139, 35-234 Rzeszów.
  • All stores created on are maintained free of charge for a period of 3 months, after which they will be deactivated.
  • To reactivate the service, contact with the service administrator is required via email, contact form, or phone.
  • Our company will make every effort to ensure uninterrupted operation of the Magento stores established in our service and to ensure that access to them is not hindered in any way.
  • We will also strive to keep the software version used by our service as up to date as possible, and new Magento stores installed in our service will always be in the latest stable version available, as of June 19, 2023, this is version 2.4.6-p1.
  • The user has the right to use the assigned hosting resources in accordance with the terms of service.
  • The user is responsible for securing their Magento store, including choosing a strong password and regularly updating the software.
  • It is prohibited to perform actions aimed at compromising the security of servers or other Magento stores hosted on our machines.
  • The user is responsible for the content placed on their website, which must not infringe copyright, be illegal, offensive, or contrary to applicable laws.
  • It is prohibited to include materials of a pornographic nature, inciting violence, or promoting illegal activities on the stores.
  • The user is responsible for configuring the Magento 2 store, including security settings, payments, shipping, and other parameters.
  • It is recommended to optimize the store to ensure fast and efficient operation, thereby minimizing page loading times.
  • Our company is not responsible for data loss, service interruptions, or damages resulting from the user's improper use of the server.
  • The hosting company reserves the right to make changes to the terms of service at any time.
A woman reading the terms of serviceA woman reading the terms of service
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